眾志而成城,始終穩步向前行 古語云:“不積跬步,無以至千里。” | Unite as one and always move forward steadily As the old saying goes, "Without the accumulation of small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles." |
我們始終腳踏實地,筑牢根基,積累經驗,無懼風雨 十年專業與信任的沉淀 | We always keep in mind: down-to-earth, build a solid foundation, accumulate experience, not afraid of wind and rain Ten Years of Professional and Trust Precipitation |
從質變到量變的騰飛 日新月盛,風發泉涌 | Soaring from qualitative change to quantitative change The wind is blowing and the spring is surging |
我們從初出茅廬走向了有口皆碑 | We went from being young to being famous |
聚沙成塔,征程不止 | Many sands make a mickle, and the journey will go on |
我們面向未來,心懷憧憬 我們眺望未來,繼續前行 | We are looking forward to the future We look to the future and move on |